Become a Wombat partner for free
Benefit from more users, better conversion rates and higher retention.

Explore the benefits
Listing in dApp Store with thousands of users
Reach thousands of new users at no cost.
50% more signups
in your dApp
Benefit from Wombat’s free EOS accounts for your users and increase onboarding conversion rate by 50%.
Higher user retention
Let us take over CPU management from your users and enjoy increasing DAUs and extended sessions.
Easy onboarding
at no cost
Wombat is completely for free, so your users can focus on enjoying your dApp.
Free resources incl.
RAM, CPU and Net
Wombat covers initial RAM and daily CPU cost with up to 10 EOS & 20 Telos transactions per day.
Full flexibility
and control of private key
Wombat is a non-custodial wallet without any access to users’ keys. The user has full control, always.
unlimited play
Enhance your UX and optimize resource expenses with Unlimited Play. Powered by Wombat’s dedicated resource pool, it enables enrolled partners to hand over the CPU cost from the user to Wombat. Meaning, no more staking for CPU — neither for you nor for your users.

Easy and free integration
Optimized for a superior UX, Wombat delivers your dApp in the most user-friendly way possible, combining native mobile app flows with the simplicity of web browsing.
Wombat is fully integrated with the Scatter protocol. This means if Scatter works with your dApp, so will Wombat.
To get listed for free, you only need to get in touch with us.
Upgrade your users to a worry-free dApp experience
Direct your users to Wombat
Your users can sign up with their socials and get free Telos and EOS accounts with renewable free actions to cover CPU & NET.
Users enjoy your dApp
With Wombat, your users get full control of how they work with Telos and EOS mainnets and even whitelist transactions in your dApp.